Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello From Somewhere

Soooo...here is a dead fox. Below it is the dead fox cut open. Phew!! What a smell!

There are Northern Fur Seals here that several groups study. They are a crazy animal. Crazy, mean, abusive, brutal, not nice, harsh, primal, angry fuckers. Who would think it from these photos? Aren't those mums and pups adorable? I have a picture of a pup rescue coming up that'll make you squeal, it's so darned cute!

Ummmm...what else? Some seal guys in a box? One of them got bit and now has "seal finger".

And we'll throw in a picture of some bird nerds.

Goodnight, amigos.



Anonymous said...

I have a couple questions.

1. Are you eating the dead fox for dinner? Cause if he is dead he doesn't need to be fixed.

2. What is seal finger? I am reminded of Buster who I'm assuming had seal arm.

Anonymous said...

Identify yourself!

To answer your questions:
1. No, I did not eat the dead fox for dinner. Yes, if he's dead the doesn't need to be fixed.

2. Seal finger is an infection resulting from a seal bite. It can become quite serious and in this case, the victim was flown to Anchorage where he received 2 rounds of IV antibiotic treatment - ouch!! Seal arm would probably be the same thing. Watch out for those dirty seal teeth!!