Sunday, December 23, 2007

moment of the week

Hmmm...what's up with that last post? Is the poster referring to him/herself? Shit. That is heavy if he/she is. I should find out for sure.

Well, the Moment of the Week seems inconsequential now, but I'll relay it anyway:

**R*Y: So, are we spending the holidays together?

ME: No.

Later in the evening:

**R*Y: You have the attention span of a hot-cross bun.
ME: What?


Anonymous said...

HI! So didn't I ask you why you weren't on blogspot in the beginning of your blogging life. Why don't you realize that I know best. What's with all the picture of E*&n and B@%d? When were they taken? I am glad to read that you did well on your patterns. How about posting some of your school work. I know a few people who love to see it!! I wanna see the comic! Say hi to K$$&*n. xox a

Unknown said...

hey jane,

happy new year! hope you had a nice and relaxing holiday. i chilled in montreal. so did you end up finding a better apartment? and it looks like you got a cat? i've missed so much, we need to catch up! what's your number or there's always email.

chau chau!
