I definitely feel a little bittersweet about my departure, but I'm looking forward to seeing you, my peeps! And eating at a restaurant, and perhaps even going to the cinema! Oh, the choices, the choices! Will I be completely overwhelmed?? Will I be eaten alive by the BIG CITY??? We were talking to a guy about Hawaii last night, how he goes there every now and then and how the hot weather is good for his arthritis. If this place had hot springs I'd be tempted to accept that substitute teacher job.
Cheeseburgers on Saturday, anyone? Just let me know when and where!
I crawled around the breakwater after work today and found The Spot for a little nap. The puffins were flying around, the waves were crashing, the sun was on my face. Please forgive me if I come back an unbearably earnest, self-satisfied nature freak. Feel free to wipe the beatific smile off my face - someone will need to.
OK. I have no idea what photo's I've posted but I hope you like them!
Bye! See you soon!

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