I hope this post finds you happy, healthy and whole, as the lady in the white turban has said to me for the past 7 years. Well, I suppose she wasn't talking about a blog post but never mind.
The first photograph on this here entry is that of a fur seal pup in the arm of Terry the Vet. I cannot tell you where this photograph was taken in case the animal po-po comes after our asses, but I can say that it was part of a dramatic and heroic pup rescue performed several days ago. Hopefully the wee guy/gal was reunited with its mother and not tossed around like a football by some aggro bulls (which I witnessed on Monday - tragic).
Spot the puffin!
I busted my ankle on the way to work the other morning. Ouch! Having a sprained ankle sucks! I can't believe that my employer makes me walk to work in the dark! There are no streetlights here, obviously, and I like to hurry through a shortcut that involves many rough spots. Someone suggested that I call a taxi from now on. Ha! I think I will! Yesterday, I slammed my thumb in the door of a truck. I am a walking disaster these days, and it is all documented for your viewing pleasure.
KUHB, the voice of the Pribilofs, is blaring away with its usual eclectic mix of Ugly Kid Joe, the Cure and random hiphop. I am having a good day cause it began with pancakes, OJ and coffee, and now I'm listening to the radio and writing to you, my dear readers.
I hope you are having a good day too!

1 comment:
Jane I busted my ankle too once. It looked exactly like that. Rest, Ice, Elevation. As well I used a tensor bandage. Once marc sprained his ankle and he soaked it in warm apple cider vinegar.
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