Sunday, December 23, 2007

moment of the week

Hmmm...what's up with that last post? Is the poster referring to him/herself? Shit. That is heavy if he/she is. I should find out for sure.

Well, the Moment of the Week seems inconsequential now, but I'll relay it anyway:

**R*Y: So, are we spending the holidays together?

ME: No.

Later in the evening:

**R*Y: You have the attention span of a hot-cross bun.
ME: What?

Saturday, December 22, 2007


This artist from Vancouver, a photographer, goes for his second visit to the oncologist, after having a CT Scan taken of his chest following bouts of pain and shortness of breath.
The doctor holds the x-ray up to the lightbox, pointing with his little finger at the black cloudy spots over the left lung.
The artist, fearing the worst, expresses relief in the form of slumping shoulders. The doctor is mystified.
"Son, you realize this black mark represents cancer do you not?"
"Well, I see where you're coming from, but now that I've seen it up here on the lightbox, I realize just how easy it will be to erase it with Photoshop."

Thursday, December 20, 2007



how do you spell gorgeos, gorgeus, gorge-us
however you spell it, THERE IT IS MOTHERS -


This blog is really starting to get crackers! look how scared madonna is in that picture! more pictures of intensely hot guys to come.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


oh shit

Oh man,

I hope you, my loyal reader, will move with me to blogspot...sorry. Livejournal IS ugly and only one of my favourite blogs is on LJ whereas 3 are here on blogspot!

It's a cold grey day today. I wish there was a small man that would bring around a cart of mulled cider through the neighbourhood every morning.